One of Those Days
It’s okay, it’s just one of those days
One of those mundane days
Nothing special, nothing new
You woke up, another cup of coffee
You’ll get back to your phone to see what’s new
Another good news, more bad news
Oh look, your friend did this, another friend did that
It looks like things are going well for everyone else
But not you
You can feel the hate starts burning your heart
You don’t hate your friend
You love them, you love their presence in your life
You don’t always hate the world
Sure it’a a terrible place
But you still love standing under the clear blue sky
You hate yourself
You hate yourself
More than you hate anything or anyone else
More than anyone can hate you
And you hate everything about yourself
You hate the way your hair looks when you wake up
You hate the fact that you’re fat
You hate how your skin feels,
some times you want to rip that skin off,
but you won’t
You just hated it all
No, you hate it
You hate yourself for simply being you
But it’s okay,
You’ll sleep those thoughts away
And in the end,
it’s just another day
One of those days
Hakone, 8 Juni 2020