Closer to The End
The deeper I look into your eyes
The tighter I hug your body
The more I hold your hand
The more I kiss your face
The more I listen to your thoughts
The more I fall for you
The more I want to have you
The closer I am getting to the end
The more time I want to spend with you
The more song I want to sing for you
The more stories I want to tell you
The more things I want to do with you
The more laughter I want to share
The more of you I want to know
The more nights I dream of you
The closer I am to my heartbreak
deep down inside we knew,
that the stars were never aligned
but I kept some parts of you,
which were never meant for me
and the more I try to hold the pieces of you
the faster they turned into dust
and slipped out through my finger
the more I fell for you
the closer I am to the end of us
in quarantine, 19 February 2022